Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Since this Blog is dedicated to Social Networking and Comedy, why not have an article about the two. Makes sense…no?

Life got you a little down? – I got just the cure you need. It is called Constant Comedy, a social comedy site. To think it’s been around since 2007 and I’ve just stumbled across this little gem. It’s exclusively for comedians and comedy lovers.
It’s a great example of people taking advantage of the power of targeted social networking sites to promote their passion…cooking, dancing, acting, sex...wait a minute, did I say the “s” word? Let me back up…...oh well guess I did. Let me take my mind out of the gutter for a minute so I can finnish this log ;).

Constant Comedy describes itself as “a website catering exclusively to comedians and comedy lovers. Whether you are a rookie, a seasoned pro, or just love watching comedy, its goal is to provide you with a stage.

One of the most awesome features of the site is the Constant Comedy Live section. You watch a video live with other users, give it the thumbs up or down, and depending on what the other users do, the performer receives a live rating of good or bad. Hey, it’s better than throwing tomatoes and eggs at a live performance. You can also add comments while watching the act and then finally give it a star rating at the end. Got to be honest some of the videos had me practically wetting my pants with laughter, and if you give it a few minute, it’s worth browsing through the rated videos for a good laugh. Take a 10 minute brake at the office to relieve some stress by going on this site, you’ll be more productive when you get back to work and you’ll have a smile on your face.

Here’s the link again http://www.constantcomedy.com/ try not to laugh too hard!

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